Thursday 24 April 2014

Technical Journal Week 9 - Rigging and Cleaning up transformation Gun

So during my long painful journal of rigging, and after finally finish rigging all of the parts..except the transformation, little did I found out that there were so many flaws in the transformation of the gun my group mate had passed to me. I literally pulled my hair out of frustrations when I saw the amount of intersections, design flaws, tilted poly and missing bolts in the model. It was a huge eyesore for me although the transformation was just a short while in the scene, as a rigger I couldn't stand leaving it like that. So I painstakingly had to do all the cleanup and fixed the parts and movement according to how physics would work.

 These are just SOME of the uncleaned work of the gun

Intersection when hand moves into lower arm main body

Tilted poly that had already been freeze transform!!

Fingers are not straight and rotation are all screwed. A big headache for rigging.

Nozzle frame intersects when transforming. I know this can barely be seen cause its so fast but to me its just an EYESORE!

The crazy amount of intersection when the hand move into the main body. This took me literally the whole day to solve it. Having to re-design the mechanism and the shell of the main body so that there is sufficient space for everything to sit in even when it transform.

Missing bolts and pieces that don't make SENSE!!

A piece of poly sticking out that is suppose to beneath and follow the highlighted green cover.

So after about a day and a half re-design a little, moving vertises here and there because it is already UV-ed...and making sure everything fits nicely and NO INTERSECTIONS and it works according to phyiscs...this is the finally

Perspective view of the cleaned and revamp Gun

As you can see there are no intersections anymore. The parts work well together in harmony and the plates are connected properly with joints the adhere to physics. No more floating parts. Moreover, I had to painstakingly animate exactly every single part and key frame from my group mates animation in the old gun onto this revamp one. It was excruciatingly annoying but I was okay overworking myself to make things better. Moreover, this will be reflected in the rigging reel so I want to do my best for it! Oh and not to mention, I've also re-rigged this and add proper controls to move the parts individually.

After much effort to cleanup every detail, the other difficult process was to SDK the parts so that they react to 1 attribute. This was quite troublesome and it would take too much time to SDK every parts into 1 attribute. So from here, I had my rigging pal Gabriel helped me through a use of a plug-in to connect the parts  to the attribute via node editor. Thanks you GAB if you ever see this post! :D

So in conclusion, WHY MY LIFE SO HARD?! That's animation for you~ doing cleanups since the dawn of time..

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