Thursday 24 April 2014

Week 10 - Modeling the Eye

So our initial idea for modeling the eyes was actually a vizor..simply because it looks so modern and badass! Here's a reference we looked at for the eyes

So after drooling at how sexy the vizor look like, the idea was sadly rejected because it'll just be copying Robocop all over again. Moreover, our director Monsieur Loredo wanted our design to look more unique, hence we went with the cyclops eye look. 

Looks pretty good huh? Our idea was the eyeball would be black and shiny, kinda like a glass ball and a red dot light would be emitted inside of the eyeball for the pupil. I decided to add the eyelids to give it a sense of character, and moreover in case we needed to show character of the robot. Our group agreed on it so i decided to double confirm by pitching it to our awesome lecturer. Sad to say, it didn't quite agree to the concept, and suggested a much better one! This werethe reference he showed me,

He feels that the eyes should look like this, concave inwards with a bright lid to show the pupil, and to my surprised it look darn good! Moreover, he was kind enough to show me how it is modeled and the secret behind in making the light shine so bright! This is how the results came up to be,

Sweet right? The black rim around the light is a chrome material and I feel that it helps to draws attention to its eye. So after looking at how awesome it is, and being my usual ambitious self, I decided to give another colour variation just for look sake.

Tadaa the colour red! Why red? Well, I wanted it to look like it is angry when the eyes turn from blue to red. Kinda like when it realisez a threat and turns into combat mode! And with spare time, not that I had but I just wanted to do it so I could see how it looks like, I decided to modify for a bigger pupil.

Within a short time, this is how it looks like. I was pretty surprise how good it turn out so I suggested to our director Kevin. However, he felt that it looked too big a kawaii so it wasn't use in the end. Oh well, at least they have the option to use it if they want, so I did a red colour variation of it.

After doing the red variation, I gave it a switch to alternate between colours...taking that if we were ever gonna use it that is...It would be cool if they animated in the TVC though but guess they didn't.

All in all, doing the eyes was pretty fun, especially when you get to see the emotion of the robot, you would just want to add more things onto it. But i guess our idea was not the have the eyelid from the start, so it is kinda of like a sidetrack of idea. And for the lecturer who helped me in this one, just wanna say Thanks for this awesome suggestion. It wouldn't have turn out this great if it wouldn't..

My last post of Technical Journal, its been a pleasure. Till then, when I come back to journey continues..

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